Linking students to thousands of employers, Badger Handshake is the way to apply for on campus, local, and other jobs all over the country. An account is waiting for you. Head to to sign in.
You no longer need to be tied down to one location when you can search for remote positions online. LinkedIn is a great way to expand your job search for remote positions.
Professional summaries are captivating hook statements for employers that pull them in like an enticing first paragraph in a book. The summary is usually listed at the top of a resume and can show employers that you have the skills necessary for the job.
Here are a few handy tips to help you with Handshake.
A resume is like a bowl of ramen noodles. Based on the look and smell we determine how the food will taste before the first bite. Employers look at resumes the way we look at food. Your resume needs to be neat, include the necessary ingredients, and uniquely describe you or employers won't even take a bite. Getting all of that in one bowl can be hard, so here are some crucial Do's and Don'ts of writing a flavorful resume that can set you above the rest.
Having internships on your resume sets you a level above the rest. They allow you to build your social network, gain in-field experience, grow and test your knowledge, and learn soft skills that speak volumes to future employers.
Employers can better understand what your strengths and talents are if you list accomplishments rather than just past employment responsibilities on your resume. Accomplishments can be professional, educational, or personal landmarks. Showing how you made a difference, rather than just what you did can allow you to reap the benefits big time.
Dave Schramm, known as "Dr. Dave", is an Assistant Professor and Family Life Extension Specialist at Utah State University. He shares his ten happy hacks to have a flourishing life.
If you ride a train, bus, or get a ride from a friend to go to work, there is a way to make the most out of your commute. Your commute can become extremely productive and not a waste of time.
Knowing what to wear to work can be tricky.It's important to know the proper attire for work. Whether you like it or not, what you wear to work has a hand in the success you have in the workplace.